Why Build a Clickable Prototype?

Clickable prototypes can be a valuable tool for refining user experience and design before starting implementation. They are an extremely cost-effective way to iterate when compared to the costs associated with overhauling a systems experience or core design features after implementation has begun. Issues found and/or designs changed after implementation has begun are considerably more expensive to address.

In addition to being a cost-effective way to refine your application in advance of implementation, clickable prototypes can also be a valuable tool for startups or internal teams to demo an intended product or project on a limited budget. These prototypes can help secure funding, project approvals, or create in-roads and start conversations with potential customers.

Working with a team skilled in user experience, information presentation, and design can allow you to effectively create such a prototype if appropriate to your project. That prototype can later be shared with engineers and technical teams to aid in their efficient mapping of the needed data and business logic to facilitate functionality of the system. In essence, clickable prototypes can be valuable on several different levels depending on your goals or needs, especially for larger or resource-intensive implementations.

Do you need a clickable prototype? Drop us a line! Have you used one on an interesting project recently? We would love to hear about your favorite prototyping tools.

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