A top-down breakdown of system functions starting with the high-level user goals, broken down to the functional means to achieve them.
Defnition of all major feature groups needed for MVP launch. An agreed-upon list of core features.
Black & White, static, sketch framework that outlines the structure & flow of information as well as the overarching user experience as they interact with the system.
A visual representation of the various technical components of an application and how they interact at a high level.
The Cloud is really just someone else’s computer. Cloud services and hosting like AWS, Google Cloud, etc. really are selling you space and resources on their computers, which they are responsible for physically maintaining and providing redundancies (power outage, etc.)
Perform any research into the viability of features based on external or project/client, dictated constraints. Questions like: Is this possible, generally? Is this possible for my timeline and my budget?
Representation of how the data in your application’s database will be structured and related to one another. A well-planned data model is important to make future expansion of the system and features easier.
What problem are you solving and for whom? Why would someone pay for your product, download it, use it, or be loyal to it?
A product with enough features to attract early-adopter customers and validate a product idea early in the product development cycle. In other words: the minimum feature set to deliver on your value proposition.
User experience has to do with how things are presented and function in a system, that determine if the system is easy to fundamentally understand and navigate. Interface design are the visual design aspects that make it pretty and branded. They are related but not the same.